Under Guangzhou's administration
there are 10 districts and 2 satellite cities. 8 urban districts are Yuexiu
District, Haizhu District, Liwan District, Tianhe District,
Baiyun District and Huangpu District . The suburban two are
Panyu District and Huadu District. The two satellites are Zengcheng City and
Conghua City.
Guangzhou's Population beyond 12 Million
The population of Guangzhou, this capital city of South China's Guangdong
Province has reached 12.7 million, the largest among cities in the province,
according to the latest census.
The figure indicates that Guangzhou has become one of the exceedingly large
cities in China, next only to Shanghai and Beijing.
Transient Population in Guangzhou Exceeds 2 Million
Transient population in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province,
has reached 2.2 million.
As Guangdong Province has become a prosperous economic center in south China,
most of the transient people are here for jobs.