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Guarantee booking with Credit Card & Payment processed when check-out at hotel
Availability Confirmation |
Send Completed Form by Fax or Email after Scanning |
Issue Confirmation Voucher |
Check in with Confirmation Voucher at Hotel |
Check out after Direct Payment at Hotel |
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Online Payment for VISA and MASTER card holders (Guarantee with 1 night Deposit) |
Some hotels require one night deposit. If you have VISA card or MASTER card, we could accept online payment system. The instruction will be given by our professional staff. You will be required to fill in an authorization form to us for the online payment though the payment will be only made by yourself. |
Availability Confirmation |
Record Payment Code and Inform us |
Issue Confirmation Voucher |
Check in with Confirmation Voucher at Hotel |
Check out after Direct Payment at Hotel (except the 1st night) |
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Credit Card Payment for AE, Diners & JCB card holders (Guarantee with 1 night Deposit) |
We could also accept payment by Amex, Diner or JCB, but the payment will be made to our Guilin office-Guilin Scenery International Travel Service. Please fill in the Credit Card Authorization Form and send us by fax. |
Availability Confirmation |
Credit Card Payment with 1 night Deposit |
Issue Confirmation Voucher |
Check in with Confirmation Voucher at Hotel |
Check out after Direct Payment at Hotel (except the 1st night) |
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Wire Transfer (Fully Prepayment Only) |
Some hotels require fully prepayment. Please make wire transfer to our Hongkong office's bank account. Please note that it might take one week to reach our account. Please do not forget to write reservation information such as hotel name, confirmation number on the transfer sheet. Please inform us immediately either by Email or fax that you have settled the payment to our account. |
Availability Confirmation |
Hold Rooms and Require Wire Transfer with full prepayment |
Acknowledgement of Receiving Money |
Issue Confirmation Voucher and Receipt |
Check in with Confirmation Voucher at Hotel |
Check out and Pay Miscellaneous Expenses only |