Getting around in Guangzhou is quite easy and not as challenging as it was back in the late 90's. Guangzhou also has a great number of street signs in english. I usually take taxis, which are quite cheap. Now there are 4-lines of the Metro (subway) running. They are brand new and clean. It is like night and day between the NY subways and the ones in Guangzhou . But taxis are still the best way for tourists and foreigners to get around, as they take you right to your destination. A good map will do wonders if you are going to a landmark or hotel by subway. Maps can be picked up in most Hotel Kiosks and book stores around Guangzhou . Make sure to pick a newer one and one with ENGLISH and CHINESE so that you can point to the location regardless of the language and someone can point you in the right direction.
I never use the little taxis without trunks (a type of hatchback taxi). Use the newer style Volvos. The little taxis provide little or no protection in a rear-end collision, so beware. There are plenty of taxis in Guangzhou , so be patient and the one you want will come along. |